The Rising Tides launched in 2015 and has grown quickly into a global consulting and advisory firm. We work collaboratively with our clients to continually refine and enhance our data and offerings. In a dynamically changing and highly charged field, we strive to be the leaders in bringing to our clients and followers the provocative thinking and proven techniques that will transform your organization into one that works for everyone.
Our principals have extensive experience in consulting, statistics, algorithmic modeling, and public speaking. By applying these disciplines to advancing the experience of women in the workplace, we help companies identify quickly the areas of greatest impact and track progress in quantitative ways.
We are unapologetically pro-woman.
We support, partner with, and patronize women-owned businesses whenever possible.
Our trusted partners bring points of view to our clients in areas we believe perfectly complement the focus of The Rising Tides.
We look forward to working with you.

Eileen Scully
In my 20+ years working in and around the research and advisory field, I’ve worked with and for an impressive list of companies and clients, In doing so, I’ve learned from some of the smartest leaders anyone could ever hope to know, and witnessed first-hand the growth of a dynamic and fascinating industry.
I’ve also had the good fortune to work beside some great leaders, and some fantastic mentors. It is from these individuals that my passion for strengthening the roles women can play in each other’s success grew. As women, not only are the demands on our professional lives extending but as our personal lives are continuing to flourish, I believe we need to move closer to a business culture that appropriately supports both. We need to help each other get to a place where the work/family debate is behind us.
"Stories about women who have succeeded are great and necessary — but I want to tell the stories about why we can’t stop there — why we need to use that platform to make the journey easier for the next ones."
In June of 2016, I was honored to be invited by the Obama White House to participate in the United State of Women, one of five thousand global advocates for women and girls. My summary report can be found here.
I was named a Belfast Homecoming Ambassador in October of 2020. In December of 2018, I was named to Irish America Magazine’s 2018 Business 100 list, the second consecutive year receiving this prestigious and deeply meaningful honor. Irish Echo named me one of their Community Champions in April of 2019, and in August of 2021 I was named one of Irish Echo's Rebuilders.
In September of 2018, I delivered my first TEDx talk, “How Women Can Succeed in a World Built Without Them,” at the TEDx conference in Sfax, Tunisia. I keynoted the October 2019 Women’s Leadership Conference at the University of New Haven, and in August of 2018, I spoke at the first Women In Engineering conference sponsored by the global Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Tunisia.
In April of 2017, I spoke at the first ever Diversity in Marketing and Advertising Summit in London, the only event of its kind focused on fostering greater diversity and inclusion in the industry.
In November of 2018, The Rising Tides launched the Leadership Diversity Index, the first comprehensive measurement of the representation of women and people of color on corporate boards of directors and executive leadership teams.
In my free time, I serve as a Steering Committee member for the Fund for Women and Girls with the Fairfield County Community Foundation, and am a founding committee member on the Women’s Networking Initiative for the Irish Business Organization of New York. In March 2021, my humor essay, “The Five Year Renewable” was published in the “Fast Funny Women” anthology. I am a past Chair and former board member of the Get in Touch Foundation, and a former advisor to the Innovadores Foundation. And my creative outlet is volunteering as an event photographer for Special Olympics Connecticut and Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS).
I studied briefly at Hofstra University, and received a certificate in Women's Entrepreneurship from Cornell University in 2019.
You are welcome to review my professional credentials here.